Thursday, December 08, 2005
I will go cosplaying soon! XD. As Mamimi from the anime FLCL ( also known as FuriKuri or FoolyCooly). With a nice girl from my class , I will go to Enschede. Some minor city in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is a small ass country, but really really famous.
I can imagine why. Marihuana is kind of legal here. It is forbidden to grow it, but not to sell it.
did anyone say weird..? But, alas, you have to be 18 to buy it. Beer is sold to you if you are sixteen, and strong liquor ( more than 18 % alcohol) is sold at 18.
When you are underaged here, it is way too easy to get it anyway. All of it. If you look old enough they sell it anyway. I quitted the marihuana a year ago. better. It fuckes up your brain.
Holland is weird. Hookers are everywhere, and sex shops are very normal. If you are gay or lesbian you can still marry your love. ( Cooooool huh?)
And then we still have some Harry Potter look a like loser, who is the vice president ( and the queen is obsessed about hats, just google Koningin Beatrix).( Koningin means queen in Dutch)
WTF? What is wrong here? I like Holland, but some things just go to extremes. Not that I mind, but after Theo van Gogh was killed by a moslim extremist , it looks like everybody did go * Kleng* "I am going to be a rascist now!"
...idiots. All bloody fucking idiots. I am white and stuff..but I just hate rascism. I have a bit Indonesian blood, my boyfriend has dark skin, I am bisexual.
...I love and hate Holland. Damn. I just can't decide. Our language is btw way to difficult for foreigners to learn. All kind of old-school influences from France, Germany, Italy..
It is fucked up. I still say many things wrong, and I was friggin born here.
Maybe I should just stop my ranting now. I look like a sore loser, who hates life. But I dont. I LOVE life. I always find interesting things to do, and so less time. I want to see the world, I want to read books and stories, and comics, I want to build a robot, but I suck at technology. I want to make outrageous clothes, the ones like in the animes and stuff. I want to hitchhike without being raped or something stupid like that. I want to sing all the time, and I want to make out of all my weird ideas ever weirder computer games. I want to have a big ass sword, not just a crappy katana. DAAAH. I am going insane. I want to write a book, I want to have patience, I want to be not so short tempered. because sometimes I just freak out and go totally insane over the stupidest things.
..sorry about the rant. I had to much coffee, frustrations and love in my smart ass soul
1:35 AM; i didn't took a picture.
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