Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My mistake. How my blogger ended op japanese , and therefore not understable to me, I don't know. I was not supposed to post twice today. But hey, it happens when you randomly push buttons with japanese characters on it.
Turned 17 two months ago. I am getting very,very sick of people saying : But hey! I thought you were twenty, and then talking differently to you, because of your age. damn. I am in a killer mood.
Listening to Atmosphere 's Smart Went Crazy,and that exactly how I feel. Very confused and a bit aggresive in the mix.
Ah, but coffee soothes the mind. Or gets me hyper.
Still not real straightened out from the break-up with my boyfriend. Hmmpf. I am the kind of girl who wants everything solved on the spot, including emotions and stuff. Not really working.
But it calms me greatly on the other side. Ha. Anyone say schizo?
Mood: ....Listening : Atmosphere
11:52 AM; i didn't took a picture.
Damn. Awful lot of shit has happened in six months. Way too busy and lazy to decently update this blog.
Finished high-school, which was an awful lot of work. Got accepted into the theaterdesign school I was talking about, dropped out already,stupid, stupid stupid school. Not getting into the what and why's , because this would get into a full-blown rant about emo's, stupid people, and both of that mixed together.Now getting a higher degree of highschool(but then the special version, for drop-outs ), which is still a levellower than the one I begun after primary school. How I damn that full-blown puberty from my 12th to 14 year, which fucked quite a lot up. Me in the proces to.
Broke up with my boyfriend after a year and 9 months. But that just happened last week.
Where the fuck went the fun part in life? The sun,the weird stuff, the random idiot friends crap. Everything turned serious. How ** boring.
Everybody's whining about 'new steps in life' blablah. ' Thinking about the future" kinda crap. The only thing I picture in my future is a cat, probably, and my own bookshop , a whole fucking lot of coffee and the smell of jasmine. Let the time fill in the blanks. If I did not have blanks in my heart and head to fill, then the whole discover life thing and living at all is not worth the effort of stupid emotions mixing with hormones and messing around with your head.
11:38 AM; i didn't took a picture.
WELCOME at Sarah's blog, queen of all

18,dutch and addicted to cinnamon coffee with a touch of book obsession
Yfriends, coffee,the smell of paper, jasmine, cigarettes, everything made of apples, headphones, books, art and PARTIES
Xpushy people, responsibilities, having no money
! i breathe books.
my Myspace
Ancient History
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