Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I am so stressed right now .
It's an all new stress-high.
Schoolexams coming up, so if I ruin them, there is this minuscule change of being able to fix it later.
And I am just THAT GOOD at ruining stuff. ( damn, that sounds pretty emo)
It's like a special power of mine, ruining things. RUINING GIRL -WITH THE POWER TO RUIN IT!
I am currently overdosing on books too, because i got muchos books for my 18th b-day.
So when I close my eyes I see letters everywhere. Its kind of fun, but then they remind me of the stuff i have to do for school, and instead of doing them I get so stressed out I just go smoke and make plans to do them later... ( later is NEVER mostly with me)

Finally eighteen. LEGAL TEQUILA , here i come!
And I got the greatest idea. AND I AM DOING IT.
I am going to Japan spring/summer 2009. 3 friggin months.
sushi, cherry blossoms, action heroes, really cute girls in really short skirts, apple crisps and comic books/ Did i mention sushi?
I am going alone, like a cowboy, and study the japanese language.
Green tea, not really fond of it. But i really dig all the crazy styles over there.
I'll just play the hot foreigner, and bring some tulip bulbs. Than I marry some crazy yakuza-wannabe and maybe they let me stay ( whattyacallit? a Permit, green card?)
Wonder how Jap-coffee tastes.

but it is going to be expensive so if you see me sitting in the street playing an instrument I really can't play well, just give me money and I will stop the awful sound.

Listening: Jazzanova - nonstop to tokyo ( just gets me in the mood already)
drinking : cinnamon tea

10:10 AM; i didn't took a picture.0comment(s)